Friday, July 10, 2020

Hope and Peace in the Lord- Source of true independence and Justice;Homily- Saturday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time Year B

Homily- Saturday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time Year B/USA Independence Day?
Readings: Amos 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Matt 9:14-17

Hope and Peace in the Lord- Source of true independence and Justice

Themes of hope, freedom, independence, re-building, peace and restoration heard in today’s readings are urgent needs for us, especially in this time of pandemic and unrest! And more especially too, as the US celebrate their July 4th Independence. It’s a reminder that we all, every nation needs peace, justice, freedom, shalom and well-being!  These are universal and timeless needs irrespective of your color, culture and gender.

They were needed during the time of the Prophet Amos, as heard in the first reading. Here, Amos speaks directly to these human and universal needs---- for the ancient Israel and Judeans in the south. They have long being exiled and deprived of freedom and liberty of independence and of worship. Amos, though mostly regarded as a prophet of justice and doom speaks positively of the day when the lord will restore peace, joy, independence and happiness of well-being and shalom to Judeans in this last periscope of his prophesy (Amos 9:11-15). It is a message of hope, justice, restoration and rebuilding- socially, politically, spiritually, culturally (banah, shubh, shuvut) --- no matter what?

Amos says, “I will bring about restoration of my people Israel; they shall rebuild and inhabit the ruined cities, plant vineyard and drink the wine, set out gardens and eat the fruits. I will plant them upon their own ground… thus says the Lord”

Similar messages of hope, peace, justice and restoration is heard in the Gospel (Matt 9:14-17) --- “the wedding guests, (us, Israel, all of us) can never go mourning while (Christ) the bridegroom is with them.”

Without going too far, the ongoing pandemic may seem like we are mourning, we are in exiled from our schools, places of work, homes and from our friends and family members and loved ones—but there is hope in the Lord. A time will come when there will be no more sufferings and all these, including this pandemic will go away!

All that it takes is a little perseverance( washing our hands, keeping to the rules, wearing our masks, practicing social distances as much as we can…etc) and above all praying and trusting in the Lord for his mercy, and peace and well-being in our troubled world! For unless the Lord builds the house in vain do we labor!

Reflecting Questions:
1.      Like the generation of Amos, do we trust and hope in the Lord always—especially in moments of trials?
2.      Do we trust in the presence of Christ, the bridegroom, with us?
3.      How often do we assist members of our faith communities to hope and trust the Lord, the bridegroom and source of peace, justice, freedom and true independence?