Friday, July 10, 2020

Let Justice roll down like an Overflowing Stream;Homily -, Wed of the 13th Week of Ordinary Season Year, B

Homily -, Wed of the 13th Week of Ordinary Season Year, B
Let Justice roll down like an Overflowing Stream

Readings: Amos 5:14-15,21-24; Ps 50:7,8-9,10-11,12-13,16bc-17; Matt 8:28-34

Today’s first reading, Amos 5, especially verse v.24  that says,“ let justice roll down like and overflowing stream from waddi” is a delight of many human rights activist, theologians and freedom fighters including, Madiba(Nelson Mandela) of South Africa and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr of the United States of the past few centuries! Both of these men we know called for freedom, ubuntu(for the Africans), fundamental human rights and equality for all, black and white, Afrikaners, Indians and the Coloured; male and female, young and old! They knew all men were created equal to participate in God’s love and kindness which, like a free flowing river, a source of life for all living creatures, has no boundary!

Prior to Mandela and Dr. King, the prophet Amos used is to appeal to the socio-politically and religiously corrupt of his time. He sought and preached freedom, food, equality, justice for all—like free flowing river ( used for irrigation, cooking, drinking, farming, agriculture etc) without boundary.  During his time, especially in the Northern Israel, there were many who flocking the temple, the shrines and worshiping centers in Bethel, Dan etc, with songs and sacrifices. While doing this, they were lacking in the basic human need, namely social justice; reaching out to the vulnerable, the sick, poor, orphaned, the widows, the neglected with mercy and compassion.

For Amos, God rejects and hates noisy songs (chamon shirim), empty and hypocritical sacrifices without true love of neighbors and promotion and seeking (baqash) of that which is good. What do you think, if I may ask are the injustices or the evils of our times and communities? Brutality? Racism? Exploiting or abusing the planet or terrorism and other forms of apartheid?
Amos is sure of one thing. That is the goodness of the Lord, manifested in the person his Son, Jesus who drove away the demoniacs into the Swine eventually drown in the sea, in today’s Gospel( Matt 8:28-34). Jesus Justice is not only overwhelming, like a free flowing fresh water to all, it is antithetical to the demons of this world.

As we reflect on today’s scripture may we disposed ourselves to the challenges of how best we God live co-exist with one another, trusting God, hating evil, rejecting any form of modern slavery and planet exploitation, and practicing justice and peace and allowing them to flow into our homes, families and communities like a fresh flowing stream?

Reflecting Questions
1.     Could you think of moments you have not allowed God’s justice, mercy and kindness to flow into your communities like free flowing stream?
2.     Could you think of any moment you thought you acted like the light of the world and the salt of the earth?
3.     Name one bad habit you may have overcome since you accepted Christ into your life?
4.     What do you think of Pope Francis, Mother Teresa, John Paul II, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela etc who have championed social justice?