Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Lord is My Light, the Word and My Salvation, Homily Third Sunday of Ordinary Year A(Sunday of the Word of God

Homily Third Sunday of Year A

The Lord is My Light, the Word and My Salvation
Fr. Udoekpo, Michael Ufok

v  Isaiah 8:23–9:3;
v  Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;
v  1 Cor 10:10-13, 17
v  Matthew 4:12-23
In his Apostolic Letter, Motu Proprio “ Aperuit Illis,” of 30th September 2019, the Feast of Saint Jerome, Pope Francis establishes this day, the “Third Sunday of Ordinary Time” as a “ Sunday of the Word of God” and stresses the importance of the homily. By the way, that Latin expression “Aperuit Illis” is taken from the St. Luke's Gospel, where the Evangelist describes how the Risen Jesus appeared to his Disciples and how “ He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures "( Luke 24:45). The word of God, including the ones we have just read today Pope Francis says “unites believes and makes them one people” (n.4). Pope Francis also reminds all priests and pastors, including those who preach today “are primarily responsible for explaining sacred scripture and helping everyone to understand it”, which is why the homily possesses “ a quasi- sacramental character,”(n.5).

Today’s readings, in fact scriptures as a whole provides us an “opportunity… to grasp the beauty of the God’s words and to see it applied to their daily lives (n.5).

 The metaphors of darkness and light run through today’s God’s words. And it is very clear in the responsible Psalm, “the Lord is my Light and my salvation” (Ps 27:1a). This is true. In fact, in biblical theology and spirituality darkness represents all kinds of misfortunes, woes, divisiveness, terrorism, evil and all forms of life’s difficulties while light symbolizes, joy,  love, unity, life and  hope for salvation for all peoples, of all cultures, Jews and Gentiles!. 
 Life’s difficulties throughout history we know can come in different forms. It can come in form of oppression, marginalization of your group, town, village, or invasion and violation of your faith, right and freedom as it was during the time of the Prophet Isaiah (Isa 8:2–9:3). It can also come in form of divisions as was the as in in the Corinthian community of Paul’s time (1 Cor 10:10-13, 17). Finally, it can come in form of sins, temptation and illnesses, oppression, as was the case in ancient cities of Capernaum, Zebulun and Naphtali, heard in today’s Gospel (Matthew 4:12-23). But the question is what do we do in the face of these challenges? What do we do in the face darkness?

Resistance and hope. This is true of Isaiah’s generation.  As we heard in the first reading the people were invaded- their land, property, right and freedom to worship and express themselves.  They were mocked, insulted marginalized in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali, whenever they asked for their rights. An Assyrian Commander- in Chief, Tiglath-pilesser, (around 733BC) ordered their violation, and the Zebulunians and Naphtalians were even deported to Assyria. Their lands and colonized and freedom deprived. Imagine the pains of been deported from your homeland! Imagine the feeling of being colonized! Imagine the feelings of foreign military occupation in our property?

In spite of all these, the hymn we heard in today’s first reading is that of joy and hope of salvation. For Isaiah it is all about hope and trust in the Lord. Light is on the way, he says. For Isaiah, those who walked in darkness! Those who momentarily experience invasion, deprivation and marginalization will one day see the light of God, be liberated with the birth of Christ who would bring the freedom of truth, unity, oneness, peace, good health of mind and body. This is the mission of Christ Jesus preached also by Paul in the Second reading to the divided community of Corinth.

Again, and most importantly, Isaiah’ prophecy is fulfilled in today’ Gospel (Matt 4:12-23) where clear reference is made to the once marginalized Zebulun and Naphtali. Jesus is here. The Light is here.  In the Gospel Jesus arrives in these cities. He preaches repentance in these cities and evangelizes the surrounding communities of Galilee. He cures the darkness of diseases and sins in these regions. He also attracts vocations to the ministry of preaching and healing from this geographical area. Peter and Andrew, James and John are among those who abandoned their fishing nets to follow the Light of Christ and his witness of joy, hope, unity, forgiveness, peace and charity and of fishing for the salvation of humankind.
In our divisiveness, and seeming hopelessness we are called to focus on the Light. No doubt there times of darkness in our lives. By the way what are the elements of darkness in your life, home, and communities? Would you see contemporary deprivation of your fundamental human rights, your property, and your freedom even to pray or worship as darkness?

What about division, racism, discrimination and misunderstandings in our neighborhood and societies. Sometimes we feel the weight and the darkness of disappointments, wars, terrorism, distrust, defective-political structures and judiciary systems in our nations, joblessness, high cost of educations and health care, the disparity gaps between the rich and the poor, illnesses, the clutches of sins and bad habits.

 In these darkest moments the good news, the Word of God, is that Christ, who is the Light and our Salvation and  is on the way to “Zebulun and Naphtali”. He is here with us, in our “Zebuluns and Naphtalis,” in his Words and Deeds, in our homes and families, communities, schools, and places of work, nation capitals, in the Eucharist we receive, and in the Support and Encouragement we continuously give to one another.

Reflection questions
1.      Do you consider the Lord as your Light and Salvation?
2.      What would you consider elements of darkness in your life, home and towns and cities?
3.      Who are the Isaiah’s of your time? The St. Paul of your time?
4.      Do you consider yourself as agent of light and conduit of unity or source peace, bearer, sharer and dispenser of the Word of God?

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Lamb of God, the Light to All Nations! Homily 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A
The Lamb of God, the Light to All Nations! 
Fr. Udoekpo, Michael Ufok

v  Isaiah 49:3, 5-6;
v  Ps 40:2, 4,7-9,10
v  1 Cor 1:1-3
v  John 1:29-34

The focus of today’s Bible lessons is on universal salvation and on recognizing the agents or instruments of this salvation, called and sent by God, as the Lamb of God, the Son of God. When we look back at the history of our salvation we cannot but appreciate all that God has done for us from creation, through the experiences of wilderness and exiles. God not only constantly save humanity but does it through his agents: the angels, the prophets and eventually through his Son Jesus Christ, the one recognized by John in today’s Gospel as the Lamb of God, the source of freedom, the light of the world, the bearer of our sufferings, and the one who baptizes us with the Holy Spirit.

When the Israelite were in Egypt and in the wilderness we saw how God used Moses, Aaron, Miriam and Joshua to bring them salvation. The first reading of today (Isa 49:3, 5-6) paints the sorrowful and hopeful picture of Israel in Exile in Babylon. It is the 2nd Song of the Suffering Servant of Yhwh. It is a song of hope for salvation.

 In this reading, although the servant is named “Israel” he has been called from the womb, and sent by God  to preach, love, hope, forgiveness, justice, liberation and salvation to the suffering and exiled Israel. Surely the servant would come to represents God’s divine agent of successive prophetic mission fulfilled in Christ Jesus. In this reading, the servant is speaking. He says, “The Lord said to me…..” indicating that the Lord is the one who calls us. He is the one that initiates the call of each and every single of Israel’ prophets. None of them called themselves. It also indicates the willingness of the one called to listen, to respond and be able to say like Samuel or like the Psalmist in today’s responsorial Psalm: “Here I am Lord I come to do your will…” (Ps 40).

 Even though this servant was originally sent by God to “to raise up the tribes of Jacob,” and “restore the survivors of Israel,” (Isaiah 49:6), the servant is now sent as “a light to the nations,” the lamb of God, so that God’s salvation might reach people of all walks of life.
We know of images of a Lamb in the book of Leviticus or in our various cultures. Lambs are humble creatures. They are willing to say yes. They are willing to go there or come here. They are used as sacrificial animals.  Lamb was use in the Passover narratives in the book of Exodus. It makes sense that John sees Jesus as the Lamb of God, the victor on the cross, the source of freedom, hope, salvation and remission of our sins, above all the light of the world.
John the Baptist also witnessed the dove descend upon this lamb during his baptism which we celebrated last week. This is the spirit of Love to everyone including the poor and the rich, the homeless, the aged, the sick the needy and those in prisons. This is the spirit of hope and faith. This is the spirit of trust and the spirit to reach out to everyone with Christ’s love and message of universal salvation, especially in this New Year.
 Saint Paul understood this so much as exemplified in all his missionary journeys. Although Jewish, he received baptism. Like other Israel’s prophets he said to God, “Here I am Lord I come to do your will,” I come to bear the light to all nations, Jews and Gentiles. Paul carried the mission and the Good News not only to the Corinthian Church, but to the Gentiles, to all of us. Paul said, to everyone who called upon the name of Jesus, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1Cor 1:1-3). We should be able to say this to everyone we meet on the way, Jews and Gentiles, males and females.
As part of the nations who receive this loving call and peace of Christ, may we in our own individual and collective ways continue to responsively recognize Christ, the Lamb of God, in our lives, serve as God’s agents and conduits of Christ's joy, peace, prosperity, faith, love and light to people of all walks of life, of every nation and of every culture.

Reflection questions
1.   What does the image of Christ as the Lamb of God or the Light of the world say to us?
2.   Are we willing agent of salvation in our neighborhoods and to everyone, male and females, Jews and gentiles?
3.   Under what circumstances can I truly say that I am the suffering servant of God (Isa 49)

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Baptism, Christ’s Gifts to the world;HOMILY THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD

Baptism, Christ’s Gifts to the world
Fr. Udoekpo, Michael

v  Isa 42:1-4, 6-7;
v  Ps 29:1-2, 3-4,3,9-10;
v  Acts 10:34-38
v  Matt 3:13-17

Few weeks ago we celebrated the birth of Christ and his Epiphany. Many including, Joseph, Mary, and the angels reacted differently to these events. The angels, for example sang the Gloria, “Glory to God in the highest.” The shepherds abandoned their animals in the desert and traveled to the manger in Bethlehem to visit with the holy family. Simeon, the prophet sang the Nunc Dimittis, while Anna, the prophetess professed the uniqueness she saw in Christ, and spoke about this special child to everyone (Luke 2). The magi from the far- East brought him gifts gold, frankincense, myrrh and of course, their gestures of worship to adore the Lord (Matt 1:1-12).

Like the angels, the shepherds, Simeon, Anna and the Magi, many of us also had a good time during Christmas and the opportunity to joyfully react to these divine events in our own ways. Events guided by the Holy Spirit! Think of the Christmas related movies we watched, the carols and music we listened to; the gifts, cookies and candies we shared; the telephone calls and visits we made to our friends, families and to our loved ones, the liturgies we celebrated, the homilies we preached, or heard from the lips of our eminent preachers, beginning with the Holy Father, our popular Pope Francis, our bishops, priests, pastors and deacons. All in the name of Celebrating Christmas  or reacting to the divine events God coming to dwell among us, in spite of brokenness.

It is true that after the Christmas’ events not much is heard in the Christian Bible of how the quiet and righteous Joseph managed his carpentry profession, or how the obedient Mary (who had said to the angel Gabriel “be it done to me according to your words”) changed the diapers and raised Jesus to the point when he would have to begin his public ministry as witnessed extensively in the 4 Gospels and by Saint Paul.

The Baptism of Christ which we celebrate today, in the beginning of our new semester, in a new year, is built on these past events that have always been guided by the Holy Spirit. Through his Baptism, Jesus the sinless God-man teaches us humility. With it he accepts, inaugurates his public ministry. He identifies this ministry with that of the suffering Servant of God whose mission we are told in the first reading of (Isa42:1-4, 6-7). 

The suffering servant of exile in our first reading was to bear all kinds of sufferings on behalf of the people. He was to bring justice, judgment and salvation to everyone as God’s agent. God speaks through Isaiah, “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased, upon whom I have put my spirit, he shall bring forth justice to the nations.”  

 Baptism not only washes away our sins it brings us the Spirit of God. It brings us closer to God and keeps God’s heavens opened for each and every one of us. The heavens that were once closed because of the sins of our first parents (Genesis 3) are now opened for us through Christ’s baptism Evangelist Matthew says in the Gospel, “After Jesus was baptized he came up from the water and behold the heavens were opened for him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him (Matt 3:13-17).”
The Baptism of Jesus opens for us the means by which we are spiritually reborn (Jn 3:5-12) and are restored in communion with God. It is one of the sacraments of our salvation. It is the gate way, the entrance to our Christian life and spirituality.  Recall, Nicodemus was told in John 3 that, “Unless you are born of water and the Holy Spirit you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” (Jn 3:3-6).  It is a spiritual door for us.

 After the Ascension, Jesus said to the disciples, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”  With this, we become adopted and beloved children of God sharing in his divine nature (2 Pet 1:4). When we received baptism God is saying to us “these are my beloved children in whom I am well pleased” (Matt 3:17).

 For us the baptized God is very pleased with us. Baptism which Christ instituted brings us into the life of the Blessed Trinity.  With it, we are anointed and infused with virtues of faith, hope and love (1 Cor 13). With it, we become temple of the Holy Spirit; the same Spirit that guided the events of the birth of Christ. With baptism we have become a new creation and living members of the Church, the Body of Christ. We become living members of our Christian families and our Seminary Community. We become members that are alive with love, self-discipline, sacrifices, charity, and spirit of forgiveness.

Saint Paul preached about this newness of life in Christ in Romans 6:3-4, when he says, “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized in Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life,” (read also Col 2:12 or 1 Cor 12:12-13).

 Luckily too, many of us have just emerged from our retreat, walking back to the Seminary and our places of work of post duties refreshed. Some have been ordained deacons during the break! I am sure you feel renewed and ready to go, another new semester, another new year. There are new books in the Library and new faces on campus. As you walk into our class rooms too, you will find new chairs and new desks and newly painted walls. Thanks to our administration’s new initiatives. Some of you have also gotten new sweaters and winter jackets.  We can always blend this physical newness with our spiritual renewals, rooted back to the foundations with which we laid during the gifts of our baptism, one of the external signs of inward graces.

 And as we begin a new semester or our other endeavors in this New Year we pray that the gifts and graces which we all received  during our baptism(the  gift of hard work, the spirit of peace, the spirit and of social justice, the spirit of Christ,  the spirit of EbedYhwh, the spirit of the suffering servant of God, the spirit of selflessness, the spirit of the common good, the spirit to love the poor, the spirit of inclusivism, the spirit to love and be faithful to the Church, the spirit to renounce sins, and the spirit to always love and pray for one another) which we have  renewed at this Mass, may guide and direct our studies, work and pastoral activities that reaches to the poor and the marginalize throughout this New Year.

Reflection Questions:
1.   What are the signs and effects of baptism in our lives in our relationship with members of our parish communities?
2.   Are we disposed to share our gifts as Christ’s followers with our neighbors and do so patiently?
3.   As baptized how do we show that we are God’s servants?




Sunday, January 5, 2020

Let Every Nation on earth adore You O Lord! Homily Epiphany of the Lord

Let Every Nation on earth adore You O Lord!
Fr. Udoekpo, Michael Ufok

v  Isa. 60:1-6;
v  Ps. 72:1-2,7-8,10-13;
v  Eph. 3:2-3a,5-6
v  Matt. 2:1-12

Every Solemnity of the Epiphany brings us together “to adore the Lord,” as echoed in the musical voice of the Psalmist today. Truly, our Lord deserves adoration and our worship, because he has freely and willingly manifested himself to us in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). 

He is the one whose praise is fore-sung in the first reading (Isa 60:1-6), of today. Third Isaiah sings, “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your Light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See darkness covers the earth, and the thick cloud covers the peoples, but upon you the Lord shines, and over you appear his glory…”

Epiphany celebrates the appearance of God’ glory, his grace, his love, his favors. His birth, which is an entrance of light into this world of darkness of war, selfishness, divisions and corruption in nations’ capitals that neglects the poor.  Epiphany is of sacredness into our secular world and divine goodness into our lives. It is an epiphany of God's love, his Mercy, his Tender Care and Kindness to all nations and continents, Jews and Gentiles, poor and rich, queens and kings.

In Epiphany God is manifested to our children, parents, friends and spouses, seminarians and priests, to politicians and poets, colleagues and peers. It is a feast when Jesus, is made known to the whole world, to every continent and nations: “Lord, every nation on earth shall adore you” (Ps 72).

 Epiphany is a gathering of every nation to adore Christ. This is true even when you look at our faces, our colors, and our eyes, particularly our last names. I was recently in Africa and Europe the joy was the same at Christmas, every nation adoring the Lord- the power of faith- only Christ can gather us together at birth and at death. What a miracle of faith.
At his birth, several reactions manifested: the angels, sang “glory to God in the highest.” The shepherds traveled to the manger in Bethlehem and visited with the holy family.  Simeon sang the Nunc dimities. Anna, witnessed to the uniqueness in Christ and spoke about this special child to everyone (Luke 2).

If I may ask, what is your reaction to the story of Christmas, to the Christmas plays we watched, to Christmas carols and music we have listened to, to all the Christmas homilies we have heard from the lips of the Pope, bishops, different priests and pastors? Do you like Anna internalize it or be ready to go out and in turn manifest this love to others, the poor and the rich? Or do you keep Christ’s love to yourself?

 In today’s Gospel (Matt 1:1-12) the magi join in this chain of reaction. Guided by the star, they came all the way from the East, from abroad outside Bethlehem/Judea, to adore Christ, to worship Christ to submit themselves to Christ. They brought him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Every nation adores the Lord, including those who studied the stars. God can speak to us. He can manifest Himself to us through our various professions and occupations. All that he requires of us are (the gifts of) disposition, willingness, openness and readiness, irrespective of our profession. You can be an attorney, a nurse, a doctor, a secretary, a receptionist, a broker, a plumber, a factory worker, a church volunteer, a student, employed or unemployed, a bank teller, a football coach, a husband, housewife, a Jew or Gentile with deep faith.
Salvation is Universal. This is noted by St. Paul of all people, in the Second Reading, which says, “You have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace that was given to me for your benefits…. That the Gentiles are coheirs, members of the same body, and co-partners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel” (Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6).

We can learn from the Gentiles, the Magi. Their journeys I believe were not rosy-rosy. Mostly likely there were some difficulties on the way. They must have left their homes, children and family members searching for Christ in a territory where Herod was appointed the king of the Jews by the Roman imperialism. I am sure being learned scientists they were not naïve, they knew, humanly it would be risky facing Herod, the reigning earthly king, when at the same time searching to adore the heavenly King, the true “King of the Jews,” and “the King of kings.”

Being a faithful Christian in this New Year and at the same time a good citizen is not always easy. Being a good Christian and a good politician or a good member of the United Nations was never going to be without faith.

These things are possible when we walk with deep faith, when we listen to the impulses of the Holy Spirit, when we follow the light of Christ not our own will, as the magi did and as prophesied long ago by the Prophet Isaiah “nations shall walk by your light.”
Nations of professionals including the magi from Sheba shall submit themselves to Jesus and worship him. The precious gifts they brought Christ from the East- gold, frankincense and myrrh are significant.    

Gold- recalls the royalty of Christ which lies in his mission of justice, peace, love, forgiveness and holiness of life- Not bullying, revenge and terrorism. In Frankincense we recall the perfume and the incense we use during worship- which is a symbol of hope and faith that we all place in Jesus our Messiah.

 In another place, Paul speaks of this in 2 Corinthian 2:15. St.  Paul invites us to bring out that noble “aroma of Christ” among ourselves: peace, love, forgiveness, universalism, inclusiveness, friendship and acts of charity.  In Myrrh we recall the sufferings, the pains and passion of Christ (Mark 15:20-23; Matt 27:33-44). And it was with Myrrh in John 19:39 that Nicodemus anointed Christ’s body for burial.

 Epiphany is a celebration of our faith from the strength of our jobs, vocations and occupations. Many with various occupations gathered here have that faith. Many with various professions are still searching for that faith. Like in the case of the Magi sometimes the journey may be long and rough. In the case of the Shepherds they risked abandoning their flocks and rushing to see the Christ born at the manger in Bethlehem. Simeon and Anna did not mind their old age. They faithfully and passionate sang and spoke about the blessings brought to Israel by the redeemer- Christ.

 For us when we finally find that faith we are call to share it with others. We are invited to share with and manifest the message of Christmas for our friends, relatives and in our communities. We are called to manifest that faith, to spread that aroma of Christ, that golden peace, that inclusiveness, that joy, that charity, that forgiveness, those gifts, among others, among every nation. Lord every nation on earth will adore you!

Reflection Questions
1.       Are we ready to share the Christ we received with others?
2.       How do we adore the Lord-with justice, peace and righteousness?
3.       Does my presence radiate the love and light of Christ in my family, parish community, neighborhood or place of work and study?