Thursday, October 1, 2020

A God Who Guards and Watches Over Us; Homily – Friday of the 26th Week In Ord. Time, Year B. Memorial the Holy Guardian Angels

 Homily – Friday of the 26th Week In Ord. Time, Year B. Memorial the Holy Guardian Angels

v  Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5

v  Ps 139:1-3,7-8,9-10,13-14ab

v  Matthew 18:1-5, 10

A God Who Guards and Watches Over Us

Today we celebrate the memorial of the Guardian Angels, God’s messengers. It is a celebration of a God who guards, guides, loves, and watches over each of us. Scripture, of course reveals in many places the role of the angel in our lives.  This was true, when we celebrated the feasts of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael with their richness in meaning and roles, the other day. We know of the story of Angels in the Books of Exodus, Daniel, the Prophet Ezekiel, Zechariah, Revelation, and Tobit and in Luke-Acts of the Apostles etc. Each of these and many more shows that the Lord would constantly send his holy Angels to guard us, hear our supplication and prayers, as well as defend and protect us from every danger!

Ordinarily, Angels, God’s “messengers” can come to us in different forms, in a child, the poor, and in our friends, whenever, and however, the Lord choses! In all that Job went through, as we have been reading this week, the Lord did not abandon him. In his losses, sufferings, arguments with God, friends (Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar) came to comfort him with their own perspectives on life. Yet, Job was been guarded by divine providence.

 In chapters 32-37, like his first three friends, a man with a Jewish name Elihu, appears stressing retributive justice as an explanation to Job’s sufferings and losses and added that the source of true wisdom was from the spirit of  God and not from advancement in mortal’s age( 32:8).

In all these, today’s first reading (Job 38), returns to God’s responses, speeches as well as Job’s repentance as was the cases with Habakkuk and Thomas, the doubter, in John’s Gospel. In these rhetorical speeches, in  the first reading, just read, God’s shows the limitation of human beings, their power and intellect and wisdom as well as his divine sovereignty (over creation), mercy, love and protective care and faithfulness of God, who continuously guards and watches over his children.

Although, in the case of Job, God never tells Job why he suffered, but instead describes his great power, love and wisdom, Job final acceptance and repentance is important:

“Behold I am of little account, what can I answer you? I put my hand over my mouth. Though I have spoken once, I will not do so again though twice, I will do so no more” (Job 40:3-5).

In other words, Job finally acknowledges his limitation, his insignificance positon, and dependence on God for protection and greatness. Job in a sense anticipates today’s Gospel of Matthew 18, where, Jesus taught his disciples that true greatness lies in one putting on a humble, and docile attitudes of a children, who are always dependent, solely on the protective love and feeding and provision of their parents and guardians. In their treatment of the little, ones, socially poor or inferior they must not despise or look down on them, because, their “angels in heaven (as was believed, Acts 12:15= Peter was liberated from jail by an angel) always look upon the face of my heavenly Father,” (Matt 18:10; cf. Acts 12:15).

As mentioned, earlier, “angels” (angggelos) means, messengers.  Ordinarily, even though, we are called to be “God’s messengers ,” our prayers this day, as indicated, particularly  in the ”prayer over the offerings,” is that, as we humble venerate the holy angels today, we may under his divine protection,  be guarded and delivered from present dangers and brought happily to life eternal, an everlasting way( Ps 139:24b)

 Reflection Questions

1.      Do we see ourselves as “angels” to one another?

2.      When we doubt, and argue, do we like Job, Habakkuk and Thomas come to believe, remain silent, profess, my Lord and my God?

What do we thing are the sources of true greatness in Christ?