Homily: Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A
Love and Charity: The Fullness of the Law in Christ (A)
Fr. Udoekpo, Michael Ufok
v Lev 19:1-2, 17-18
v Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13
v 1 Cor 3:16-23
v Matt 5:38-48
readings from the Sermon on the Mount, which calls us to love our enemies, and
the book of Leviticus, which calls us to love our neighbors, may upon first hearing
sound challenging. Upon further reflection, the readings are all about God’s mercy,
love, and justice. They’re about making room for change, renewal, and forgiveness.
The strongest response to hatred is love.
of you were born before the Vatican II Council. You would likely testify that there
have been a lot changes, updates, and innovations in the areas of liturgical teachings
and the laws of the church. These were made in order to meet the needs of the
changing times and culture. Remember, there was a time when priests celebrated the
holy Mass with their backs to the congregation. But today, priests face their
congregations as they celebrate Mass. There was a time when Scripture at worship
was read only in Latin. Today we can read it in English. Different nations and cultures
can also read it in their native languages. Thanks be to God!
In some
nations, there was a time when women and minorities were not allowed to vote. But
today those laws have been changed. Many people in regions that practice caste-systems
or have dictatorial styles of government are beginning to recognize the need for
change. What about issues of equal pay? In the past, men were paid a higher
wage than women. Today, we are all advocating for equal pay. What about the “stand
your ground” laws in different parts of the United States, Florida in particular?
Or immigration laws? Some are asking that these laws be reviewed, while others are
pushing back.
have always been changes. In the first reading, Leviticus 19, we are told, “You
shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Lev 19:18). But in today’s reading from
the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, “Love your enemies” (Matt 5:44). He calls
believers to avoid retaliation and to be charitable to all. Exodus 21:24-25, which
Jesus even quoted, teaches, “eye for eye, tooth for tooth.” But in the Sermon on
the Mount, Jesus says, “Do not resist an evildoer” (Matt 5:38-42).
saw the need to change and renew these Old Testament laws, just as we effect change
and bring about renewed ways of interrelating our day-to-day civil and ecclesiastical
laws. The retributive ethics of the Covenant Code (an eye for an eye or a tooth
for a tooth) from Exodus 21:24-25, which Christ addresses, were not meant to promote
revenge and retaliation. Rather, these laws were meant to protect citizens from
disproportionate, illegitimate, and unending retaliation. They were meant to say,
“If a fly perches on your food, you don’t need to attack it with an atomic bomb
or an AK-47. If you do, you might cause more damage than the fly would.”
I remember
that during the last war between Russia and Georgia, the media constantly used the
phrase “disproportional use of force.” But for Christ, charity must overcome the
thought. Violence, acts of retaliation, and disproportionate wars are not the way
to dissuade enemies from attacking or to prevent acts of terrorism.
also takes on the holiness ethics of the first reading (Lev 19:18), which says,
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” In this passage, the neighbor was a
fellow Israelite, since the law calls for a different attitude toward other nations,
which were hostile to them (Deut 23:1-3). Certainly, Jesus requires a different
In the
Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us to take a different spiritual approach,
different moral steps, and a refined position with regard to our relationship with
others—including those we do not like, those who do not like us, or those we disagree
with. Everyone is our neighbor, and we are to love them (Matt 5:38-48).
can be challenging. But it requires faith. Without faith and prayer, Christ’s invitation
to holy living—to avoid taking revenge, to avoid violence, to practice charity and
good neighborliness toward everyone—sounds frightening and impossible. But it
is possible by the grace of God. We can do this in many little ways: in the ways
we treat immigrants, the poor, the aged, our fellow students, workers, spouses,
and family members, or those we meet while traveling.
It is
uncharitable even to select those we say “Good morning” to or to engage in gossip,
negative criticism, retaliation, or the spreading of lies about our neighbors. For
Christ, this would be a pagan way of traveling. And none of us would want to travel
that low road. We want to travel by the law that is characterized by fullness of
love in Christ! Let us pray at this Mass for the grace to live this law of love
with deep universal charity and a spirit of faith. Let us pray for the perseverance
to be holy as our Heavenly Father is holy (Lev 19:2).
Reflection Questions:
1. What do you do when someone offends you: retaliate,
love, or forgive?
2. How do you counsel members of your faith community
who feel offended or violated by others or by unjust sociopolitical structures?
3. Can you think of any instances in your life when you
have chosen to love rather than hate or retaliate against those who offended you?
4. Do you consider everyone you meet to be your Gospel
neighbor? Why or why not?