Homily 24th Sunday of Year B: Fr. Michael Ufok Udoekpo
Readings: Isa 50:5-9a; Ps 116:1-9; Jas 2:14-18 and Mark 8:27-35The Meaning of Christian Suffering!
Many, if not all of us do experience sufferings in one form or the other. I
mean we do know what sufferings looks like. It can come to us today in form of
hunger, poverty, and protracted illness. It can come to us in the loss of our
loved ones, loss of land, property, homes, and treasures, in tragedies,
persecutions, bad leaderships, oppression, in the wars nations fight, in wars
and acts of terrorism, negligence, actions, or indifference to the well – being
our neighbors. Of course, there are some sufferings too, that we may not
fully and humanly comprehend! The Bible lessons of today are addressed not only
to these sufferings and their causes, but scripture reminds us of how we all
were baptized into a Christian communities to daily imitate Christ at all cost,
boast in his cross, in our suffering love, and patience endurance, without
In today’s first reading (Isa 50:5-9a), the 3rd Song of the Suffering
Servant of God, which would eventually points to the sufferings of Christ,
prophet Isaiah sings of the experiences of Israel in Babylon during their
exile. The Suffering servant speaks specifically in the first person of
the enduring suffering that a faithful God’s servant would have to undergo
in moments of trials and challenges, which would include the loss of home land,
properties, family members, freedom to trade, plant vineyard and even to practice
their faith. The suffering servant says, “I have not rebelled, have not
turned back” …“I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who
plucked my beard, my face I did not shield from buffets and spitting.” This
servant teaches us how to be aware of God’s presence in our lives and how to endure
suffering, knowing that the Lord God who is our helper, will not put us to
In the gospel reading, Christ’s disciples, including Peter, lack this deeper awareness. I want to believe
this is why he rebukes Christ, when Our Lord spoke openly that the Son of man
was destined to suffer greatly, persecuted, rejected by the elders, the chief
priest and the scribes, and be killed, and rise after three days! Of course, this prophecy came to a fulfilment! Peter thought
like a human being, like any of us would. But, God often speaks mysteriously to us, even in Christ's
ministries, particularly in the events of the Cross of the Calvary which we
relive every Holy Week of our liturgical year. The cost of discipleship; the
cost of salvation entails sacrifices and endurance, patience, faith, in the midst of trials and
Truly there are sufferings that are “artificial and manmade;” such as
exploitation of our neighbors, institutional hatred, violent, and injustices
committed against others, greed, selfishness, indifference and lack of charity
to one’s neighbor. This is what Saint James addresses in the 2nd
reading. Saint James asks, What good is it if someone says he or she has faith but lacks
compassion and is uncharitable towards his or her neighbors? Words, deeds and
good works must go together.
Pope Francis has spoken enough of this! Indifference behavior from richer
nations, institutions, towns and individual rich powerful neighbors to poorer ones is as bad as
perpetuating any other form of hardship and sufferings on our poor neighbors. Neglecting the poor, the weak, the voiceless, is as bad as pulling their beards and beating their cheeks which the Suffering Servant, 3rd Isaiah, spoke about in the 1st reading. Poverty here is not
restricted to material poverty. The young ones who are rich with strength and physical
energy in the name of Christ are encouraged to support their seniors, the
physically weak, their elders, parents and grandparents. Other examples abounds. Richer nations, for instance, should
make education affordable to all. This can go a long way to reduce pains,
injuries, and sufferings caused by the disease of ignorance!
Whatever form that we may individually or as a family, group, or
Church experience persecutions, exploitation, discriminations, threats to traditional
Christian values, trials, sufferings we always want to imitate Christ- his
patience, his love, his mercy, his forgiveness, his endurance, his
perseverance,-- who generously and selflessly went to the Cross on our behalf!.