Wed April 29, Memorial of St. Catherine of Siena @ Shsst- Fr. Michael Udoekpo
Acts 12:24-13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; John 12:44-50
Witnessing the Light with
a Pastoral Heart!
Responsorial Psalm this morning, “O God, let all the nations praise you,”
captures in a worship language the spirit of what we celebrate today; a
missionary faculty, staff, men women,
and student- disciples from all nations gathered on the memorial/feast day of
Saint Catherine of Siena, to acknowledge God, to worship God, to celebrate the
Holy Eucharist, to thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed on us since
the beginning of the school year, and to pray for the light of his resurrection
and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Mission that lies ahead of us, the Church, particularly, our vibrant
new graduates that will be sent forth this afternoon!
Jesus cries out, “whoever believes in me believes not only in the one who sent
me, and who ever sees me sees the one who sent me. I came into the world as lights
that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness.” In the Alleluia verse we read “I am the light
of the world, says the Lord, whoever follows me will have the light of life’ (John
we know there are many sources of light on Earth, electricity, nuclear, waves
are some of them. But the main one is the Sunlight. Sunlight provides the
energy for living things through the process of photosynthesis. Spiritually, John’s Gospel is popular in the symbolic
identification of Jesus as that “Sun Light”, that “Light of the world, “the
source our energy and well-being. John the Baptist, who could have been anyone
of us, testified to this light in the beginning of the Gospel (1:9). Nichodemus,
who could have been anyone us, is enlightened by this light (3:19). The man born blind, who could have been any of
us, received the gifts of healing from this Light (9:5). Christ, the Light!
To be
in Christ is to be in mission. And the Church on earth is by her very nature
missionary- whether we are called to
stay in Antioch, Cyprus, Jerusalem or Milwaukee, to serve in the kitchen,
chapel, library, class room , or in the office area, the adventure is Christ. What matters is how
we generously, faithfully and pastorally responds to the gifts of the Spirit,
as also exemplified by Saint Catherine of Siena whose memorial we celebrate
Lord prepares us for the strategic opportunities each of us has, rooted in our
particular Seminary Mission Statement! At 1:00 pm, today, we shall re-gather in
the lobby for the sending forth ritual. Like the prophets and teachers of
Antioch we will pray over our graduates, and our friends, whom we believe have
received the same inner missionary spirit as we do. We pray that they will join us, go out like
Paul, Barnabas and Catharine of Siena on a mission to teach, preach, write, the
catholic faith, and witness to Christ, the Light of the nations, with their pastoral