Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reflection first Week in Ordinary Time- Wednesday- Fr. Michael U. Udoekpo

Reflection first Week in Ordinary Time- Wednesday- Fr. Michael U. Udoekpo
Readings: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-9 and Mark 1:29-39

Jesus is in Solidarity with Us

Ordinary when we are in solidarity with someone or a group we share in the person’s or that group’s principles, ideals and cause. We defend the person, or group.  We mourn with them. We rejoice with them. We fight their cause.

Both Christ and we humans share a common origin from God. Christ is fully human except sin, and fully divine. Because of his humanity Christ can call each of us his “brothers” and “sisters.”  And by sharing in our humanity Christ is able to tackle and defeat the devil that frightens and enslaves us with the fear of death.

For the author of the Letter to the Hebrew Jesus has power over everything, including death and the devil of fear. Christ is the source of life, death and the resurrection. He demonstrated this by overcoming temptations in the desert, throughout the course of his ministry and on the sacrifice of his saving cross, as priest and victim!

Those he saved on this cross were each of us, descendant of Abraham because as Psalm 105 would put it today, “the Lord remembers his covenant forever.” The covenant he promised David (2 Sam 7). This covenant of love and solidarity binds for thousands of generations.

Those Christ preached to and healed in today’s (Mark 1:29-39), including Simon’s mother in – law were descendants of Abrahams.  With this Christ fulfills those promises promised us by God the Father.

What are your fears?   Your exams, studies, jobs, health, bad economy,  food, shelter, clothing, promotion, wife, husbands, good friend, ordinations or the uncertainty of my future and other temptations? Remember, Christ himself was tested! He knows how to defend us. He is in constant solidarity with us! And we in turn are call to be in solidarity with one another, the poor, the sick, the needy and to be sources of encouragement to our neighbors.