Saturday, July 7, 2018

Prophets and Thorns on Their Flesh!(14th Sunday Year B)

Homily Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Season Year B: Fr. Michael Ufok Udoekpo
  • Ezekiel 2:2-5;
  • Ps 123:1-4;
  • 2 Cor 12:7-10
  • Mark 6:1-6
Prophets and Thorns on Their Flesh!
 The Bible readings of today speak of the challenges that face a true prophet. Saint Paul calls this his “thorn on the Flesh” (skoloph tē sarki), which was given to him, as prophet, and apostle to the Gentiles.  First of all a true prophet does not send himself. He is sent by God. He does not speak on his behalf but on behalf of the one who sent.  He or she is brave, courageous, truthful, and remains the conscience of his or her society, people and next door neighbor. Secondly, a prophet is human, and could even be weak in eloquence and stature. He is mortal, prone to disabilities.  Besides human weaknesses, and disabilities, he could be rejected by those he or she is sent to evangelize. Thirdly, there may be many other forms of hardships and sufferings, opposition, resistance, mockery a prophet must have to endure in the course of fulfilling his or her ministry. This is where Ezekiel, Christ and Paul belong. By our water of baptism this is who we are called to be- a prophets to our families and next door neighbors realizing that, there is power in weakness, there is need to appreciate the paradox of the cross!
 In the case of Ezekiel’s ministry of today’s first reading, he was called while in exile in Babylon and sent as a human prophet, with his own human weaknesses, ”thorns on the flesh,” to preach to the rebellious Israelites.  His prophetic humanity is made clear repeatedly in the entire book of Ezekiel where he is constantly addressed by God, as ‘the son of man” or “mortal,” about 93 times. This simply means that Ezekiel was human. That Ezekiel knew that he was human, mortal, son of man, imperfect helped him relied totally on the grace of God in his prophecy of hope and change of heart to the exiled community of Israel in Babylon.  It is important we also ways recognize that we are human, we are broken, and we are weak always in need of God’s mercy and his divine grace! That we are ill, or hurt our feet, eyes, legs, arms etc., should not separate us from the love of God, from the mission we are called to mission.
We notice in the Gospel reading (Mark 6:1-6), Jesus also called himself a prophet. Of course, he was called and sent by God his father (John’s Gospel), but often rejected here and there. Having been insulted and rejected in his home town of Nazareth, in today’s Gospel, Jesus said to himself, “a prophet is not without honor except in his native place among his own kin and his own house.” By calling himself a prophet Jesus recognizes his father sent him to do his will: to baptize the unbaptized, forgive sinners, teach courageously in the synagogue and healed the sick without charge. By calling himself a prophet, in the likes of Jeremiah, Ezekiel and other Israel’s prophet, Jesus recognizes that human honor was immaterial to the mission that his father had sent him.  He recognizes that he didn’t need to come from the most important city of his time to serve, to do the will of his father. In spite of his hardships that span through the garden of Gethsemane and via delorosa and even to the cross (which we relived  when we pray and walk the stations of the cross in our religious communities/Holy  Land),  the spirit of the Lord was upon him (Luke 4:18), as he walked his way heroically to the Calvary!
Saint Paul in his mission to the Church in Corinth understood these challenges. In the 2nd reading Paul says, “a thorn in the flesh was given to me, to keep me from been too elated. Three times I begged the Lord about this that it might leave me, but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” Throughout his missionary journeys, Paul whom we know must have been a very proud person in his upbringing. Ironically he had his own “thorn on the flesh…illnesses, weakness. Like Ezekiel, and Christ he also endured those “thorns on the flesh, including insults, crises and opposition  from false-preachers in Corinth,  hardships, rejections, persecutions, constraints and dishonor, for the sake of the Gospel, which he knew was the source of salvation for Jews and Gentiles (Rom 1:16-17).
How many of us today in our various places of ministries first of all would be humble to recognize that we are human, weak and vulnerable? How many realizes that they are mere messengers, mortals, sons and daughters of men, like the prophets Ezekiel, or instruments in God’s hands?  How do react when we feel wrongly challenged or opposed by false prophets? Does dishonors, insults, illnesses, hurting our legs or arms, or eyes, or persecutions and hardships and other challenges stopped us from doing the good that must be done (love our neighbors, be charitable and forgiving), or from preaching the gospel that needs be preached?  Hasn’t St. Paul also elsewhere reminds us that nothing should separate us from the love of God( Rom 8:35-39).
Friends taking Ezekiel, Saint Paul and Christ as our missionary and prophetic models may we recognize that there is that hidden divine strength in every seeming human weaknesses and dishonor we may face in the course of doing good,  evangelizing, or in the course of being faithfully and truly prophetic to our neighbors, whom we share our bread with, whose midst we live our spiritual and corporal works of mercy and exercise those Gospel Beatitudes, that Pope Francis daily reminds us of.   As Christians and believers, may we continue to carry the death and dying of Christ in our mortal bodies so that we can reveal the life, the love, the compassion and the tender mercy of Christ to others!
Reflection Questions:
  1. In what way can we relate to the ministry of Paul, Ezekiel and Christ in the light of today’s bible readings?
  2. What would you consider your “thorn on the flesh” in your Christian and religious practices?
  3. How do we help ourselves and  members of our faith/ religious communities--- called to be prophets and prophetess to realize that there is power in weakness?