Saturday, April 20, 2019

Joy and Newness in our Risen Lord and Savior!;Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil Year ABC). Fr. Michael Udoekpo

Joy and Newness in our Risen Lord and Savior!
Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil Year ABC). Fr. Michael Udoekpo
 ·      (1)Gen1:1–2:2 or 1:1,26-31a; Ps 104:1-2,5-6,10-14,24,35or Ps 33:4-7,12-13,20-22;
·         (2) Gen 22:1-18 or22:1-2,9a,10-13,15-18; Ps 16:5,8,9-11
·         (3) Exod 14:15–15:1; Ps Exod 15:1-6,17-18;
·         (4) Isa 54:5-14;Ps 30:2,4-6,11-13;
·         (5) Isa55:1-11; Ps 12:2-3,4-6;
·         (6) Bar 3:9-15,32–4:4; Ps 19:8-11;
·         (7) Ezek 36:16-17a, 18-28;Ps[a] 42:3,5;43:3-4;[b] Isa 12:2-3,4bcd,5-6[c]Ps 51:12-13,14-15,18-19;
·         (8) Rom 6:3-11; Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23;
·         (9)Gospel [Year a] Matt 28:1-10; [Year b] Mark 16:1-7; [Year c] Luke 24:1-12.

On this night of the Easter Vigil we gather as a Church of men and women, young and old, saints and sinners at the tomb of Christ in prayer, awaiting his resurrection. Tonight’s gathering may be long, but joyful with 4 levels of beautiful liturgies. Level one celebrates with exulting hymn and lighted candles the joy of Christ as the Light and Savior of the world (soter tou cosmou), the source of every good things we have, health, jobs, and our families. It rejects the darkness of sin, evil, hatred, racism, selfishness, and dysfunctional socio-economic and political structures; hopelessness, secularism, and even terrorism as currently been experienced by our brothers and sisters in all over the world today!

 Level two is the Word of God with nine readings, seven from the OT and two from the NT. Levels three and four come after this homily. They are the baptism or renewal of our baptismal promises and the liturgy of the Eucharist.
The central event of this 4 levels of liturgical vigil is the joy of Christ’s resurrection rooted in the story of salvation discovered in the various readings heard tonight. They are the stories of our relationship with God.

 In Genesis creation stories and in the psalms God creates lovingly, he orders, he gives names, he shows mercy, he is kind, and he also forgives. In spite of the “brokennesses” of our first parents, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and his generation God calls and establishes a covenant with Abraham, who is also willing to sacrifice, go through trials and  give back to God all that God had given him, including his only son Isaac (Gen 22:1-18). This is Israel’s story!
Israel’s story is our story. In this story our lives belongs to God, who can write on a crooked line! While in the Egyptian exile he hardens Pharaoh’s heart and sees Israel through the wilderness and the sea of reed (Exodus 14–15). God is Israel’s divine warrior and redeemer! In the Babylonian exile he stood by them as expressed in the prophecies of Isaiah, Baruch and Ezekiel tonight.

What Prophets Isaiah, Baruch, and Ezekiel foretold– life, hope, freedom, salvation, new life- has been  fulfilled tonight in the resurrection of Christ– witnessed by Paul in Roman 6:3-11. Paul says, “Are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ (as will be done tonight) were baptized into his death? We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life.”

The experience of the empty tomb must have been refreshing and amazing to those women- Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James and to others who accompanied them. It must have been amazing to Peter and the rest of the eleven. An amazing God! With the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, everything is possible! Creation is possible. The orderliness of creation is possible. The hardening of pharaoh’s heart is possible. The Crossing of the red sea without been hurt is possible. Raising Jesus from the tomb is possible. Healing is possible! Success in life is possible! Passing that examination is possible. True reconciliation is possible! Transformation is possible! Good socio-political structure is possible! Reaching out to the poor, the aged, and the needy more than before is possible! Justice is possible!

As we gather around Christ’s empty tomb tonight may we be reassured of the hope, the transformation, and the new life that the resurrection of Christ brings us.  May we be reassured of his presence in our homes, families, churches, offices, journeys, and work places?  As we pray for our brothers and sisters, victims of terrorism, fire, and other tragedies around the globe, may we continue to trust in his protective care? May we as baptized and believers be joyful and be reassured of eternal life in heaven after our pilgrimage here on earth!

Reflection Questions;

1.    What is the meaning of Easter for you!
2.    In light of today’s 9 readings, do you feel reassured that the Lord of history revealed in the Risen Christ Lord is with you always!
3.    What effort have you made to catechize, to share this joy, the joy of the empty tomb with others, especially those plagued with despair, betrayals, sorrow of violent, unforgiving-spirit, corruption, religious extremism and threats of war?