[2]21st Sunday Year C: Fr. Michael U. Udoekpo
· Isaiah
66:18-21; · Ps 117:1-2;
· Heb 12:5-7, 11-13
· Luke 13:22-30
Out to the Whole World Proclaim the Goodnews (Mk 16:15)!
responsorial Psalm of today, “go out to the whole world and tell the good news
[euaggelion],” Mark 16:15, sums up the theme of today’s scripture,
namely; the universal nature of God’s love for us; men, women, children from all
walks- of – life and the challenges, the narrow gates, the Christian
disciplines that we face as we strive towards the kingdom of God.
universal nature of God’s love for each of us, it does not matter where you
come from, what you look like, what gender you are, is evidence in today’s
first reading, Isaiah 66. The returnees from the Babylonian and Persian exiles
have encountered problems in the Holy Land. There are tensions, there are
politics, there are divisions, there are name callings, and there are all forms
of injustices from the elites. Who is the rightful owner of the land, the golah
(returnees) or the people of the land (those who never experienced the
exile)? Should those wives married outside the land or those children born in
Persia and Babylon be permitted to be part of the newly rebuilt city of Zion or
not? For some no. But for God yes! This is where God steps in, and speaks to
Isaiah to proclaim to the people that, ‘he [God] came to gather nations of
every language, to see his divine glory.” The glory of the Lord, his goodness,
his love, his mercy, especially in this Year of Mercy, is universal!
we are already experiencing. Think of how Masses are said in different
languages all over the world. At these Masses, same readings are read and
similar sharing of the bread and blood and the word of God are broken and
shared according to various needs of every culture. Again think of the many priests and
missionaries we have serving in our countries, in the Vatican, in parishes
schools and seminaries. They are from different cultures and nations. And they
speak and preach their sermons and homilies in different languages.
baptism each of us is commissioned to be bearers, preachers, and doers of this
universal, inclusive love and mercy of God, manifested in Christ, wherever we
live are- Africa, Europe, Asia, America … California, New York! Following
Christ, who is the way, the gate, the truth and the life (John 14:6) was never
going to be easy at all. It comes with all kinds of challenges and disciplines
alluded to in the 2nd reading, the Letter to the Hebrews 12.
these are classic examples of preaching the Goodnews, and of entering through
the narrow gate of today’s Gospel parable (Luke 13:22-33). Following the
example of Christ is this narrow gate. Loving one another as Christ loves is
this narrow gate. Reaching out to the poor, the voiceless and the marginalized
as Christ does, is this narrow gate. Embracing everyone, from north and south,
east and west is this narrow gate. Giving out your used clothing or
contributing to the food pantry is this narrow gates! This is what it means to
go out to the whole world and proclaim the good news to all without counting
the cost! May we all go out there proclaiming the Goodnews to every nation of
every language and culture.