Homily Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, Year
ABC: Fr. Michael Ufok Udoekpo
Num 6: 22-27; · Ps 67:2-3, 5-8;
· Gal 4:4-7
· Luke 2:16-21
Mary: Mother of Christ, Source of Peace
On every First
January of every year the Church prays for peace, and celebrates the
Solemnity of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and mother of Christ the
Prince of Peace, just celebrated at Christmas. Of course, Mary is our mother
too. She is the mother of the Church, as
truly confirmed in today’s Second
Reading, Paul’s Letter to the Galatians (Gal 4:4-7). Paul says: “When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born
of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law so that we might
receive adoption as sons (and daughters).” Of course, Paul’s message
was long foretold by many Israel’s prophets- Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and
Zephaniah, which we all read during Advents- with theological and spiritual implications.
By implication, we are all brothers and sisters of
Christ, and children of God, in baptism. At the Morning Mass, yesterday, you
will recall, we were all being addressed as children of God in 1 John 2:12-17.
And as adopted children we are part and parcel of the Holy family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph which we also celebrated few days ago.
Days and weeks from now we will begin to bring down the
Christmas trees, and undo those decorations in our home. One thing we do not
want to forget is that the Birth of Christ brought peace and redemption to
our homes, and into the world. Everyone acknowledges this, including the
Angels who sang that song with which we began this worship with: “Glory to God
in the highest and on earth peace to people of goodwill.” the shepherds of
Israel (Luke 2:16-21), the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna in the
Gospel reading of yesterday (Luke 2:36-40) also spoke about this Prince of
Peace to everyone, to those who were awaiting and hoping for the redemption of
On this day of the World Day of Peace, Mary
is extolled as the mother of Christ the Redeemer, the Prince and source of
Peace, for several reasons. Let me mention a few. At the annunciation, Mary
peacefully said to Angel Gabriel, “I am the Handmaid of the Lord be it done to
me according to your Word” (Luke 1:38). She was not afraid to say yes, and to
be opened to the will of God. Never for once was Mary violent and
abusive to those who disbelieved her or suspected her pregnancy. She dialogued
with the family of Joseph and her family over the divine situation.
In the Gospel reading of today, Mary and Joseph opened
their doors and their hearts for the humble poor shepherd (Luke 2:16-21) and
for the rich and educated foreign scientists-Magi (Matt 2: 13-23), who visited
with them in a manger in Bethlehem. With this, Mary and Joseph prepared Jesus
for the ministry of peace, universalism and inclusiveness of the poor, that
seems to be elusive in our society today. Jesus of course would grow up to
become the champion of peace- that we need today.
When Jesus stayed back in the temple Mary and Joseph, his
parents did not freak-out. They anxiously but peacefully searched for Jesus. It
is true that we don’t hear much of what went on in the family of Jesus and Mary
and Joseph after the Birth narrative and Christmas celebrations. I am sure the
shepherd went back to their sheep. Joseph must have quietly and
peacefully retired to his carpentry worship while Mary was busy changing
the diapers and raising Jesus peacefully, lovingly and virtuously in their
poor, but peaceful home.
When we look back on the events of the last
year be it in our families, homes, Church, the United Nations, in
the Middle East, Africa or in Asia, Europe, North Korea including all the
wars, trains derailing here and there, the natural tragedies, the hurricane
sandy, the typhoons in the Philippines, the shootings and terrorist acts in our
nations’ schools, movie theaters and religious centers, and other part of the
world, Nigeria, Nigeria- the rough politics, health-care debate, government
shut down, social and economic difficulties, the bokoharam, -we need peace
more than ever, in the world today.
Jesus, the Son
of Mary is the source of this Peace (Shalom). He alone can heal us. He
alone can heal our nations of our weaknesses, selfishness, our divisiveness,
our doubts and skepticisms. He alone can give us that wholeness, that
friendship, that sense of justice, that sense of oneness, that community
spirit, that forgiving spirit, that Christian love and charity that we all
The priceless Peace, which Jesus the Son of Mary brings
is a grace and blessing! This peace was among the blessings that God gave to
Israel, through Aaron in the first reading (Num 6:22-27). Blessing Israel,
Aaron said:
the Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you! May the Lord look
upon you kindly and give you peace!”
[I have received so many cards and greetings from you!
One of my cards reads,
“Fr. Michael I
can’t believe today is the last Sunday of the Year. I am very grateful to God
for all his blessings and graciousness upon me, my family, especially my
grandchildren this past Year 2013. Thank you for leading us to such a
spiritual pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes and Rome. It was a pilgrimage of my
life time. May Christmas be Merry to You and New Year a fruitful one.”]
Today is also the day we say to ourselves “Happy
New Year!” in various languages. With this we are indirectly making New Year
resolutions- wishing and promising ourselves every good thing in the New Year,
including Happiness of which Christ, the Son of Mary is the ultimate source.
We wish ourselves peace (shalom), trust, hope and
faith in God. We wish ourselves good health. We wish ourselves the grace to
forego bad habits. We wish ourselves greater respect for the dignity of the
human person, greater sense of social justice and respect to the fundamental
human rights of every person, men, women and children including the poor, the
seniors and those at the margin of the society; the right to practice and
treasure the Catholic faith, the right to wear cross, and crucifixes, the
right to pray publicly without being ashamed of your faith and
religion. It is a year we want to continue to pray for
the souls of our loved ones gone before us marked with the sign faith.
As we begin a New Year, may Mary the Mother of God,
Mother of the Church, intercede for us so that we may be blessed with lasting
peace, and joy in the Lord. And May “The Lord
bless you and Keep you! May the Lord let his face shine upon you, and be
gracious to you. May the Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace” in this
New Year (Num 6:22-27)!
Reflection Questions:
1. What are your
New Year Resolutions- peace, forgiveness, oneness..?
2. What can you do
to help bring peace to the world, family, church, neighborhood, and community
of nations?
3. Am I always
opened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit or trusting in the prayerful intercession
of our Mother Mary?