Homily (2) 22nd
Sunday of Year B: Fr. Michael Ufok Udoekpo
Readings: Deut 4:1-2,
6-8; Ps 15:2-5; Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 and Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
These words of Psalm 15 capture in a
nut-shell the essence of today’s Bible lessons- that Christ did not come to
abolish the law, but to perfect it , to renew it, and to highlight the spiritual and moral dimensions of our laws. Granted we all have customs,
values and traditions, they are constantly subject to updates and renewal in
the light of the divine revelation. This is so, since the Word of God needs be
put into daily practice by loving, caring for the poor, the marginalized, the
aged, our parents, and by forgiving those who may have offended us, of all
ages, time and culture- the same scriptural theme that Pope Francis has
repeated over and over again since the beginning of his papacy!
In the 1st
reading, Deut 4, the Lord invites Israel to listen (shama) and observe his words, his commandments. I want to
suggest that one way to respond to this divine invitation is through listening to Deut 4 within the broader context of the Book of Deuteronomy- “second laws”. Emphasis in Deut as a whole, is
on updating some of the laws, including the 10 commandments and ritual
practices we heard earlier in the Books of Exodus and Leviticus. Deuteronomy
for instance, updates, and teaches Israel, and invites all of us, indirectly, to listen, obey,
worship God in a central place, to be more humanitarian, more caring, just, and
inclusive of men, women, children and slaves, from the bottom of our hearts,
in our faith practice (Deut 12-17),
something that the Pharisees of today’s Gospel seemed to be lacking! They were distracted by their self righteousness!
In order word, a
true and deeply religious person, who has a deep sense of love for his/her
neighbor and provide social justice a place in his or her heart would be sensitive
even to those destructive social vices
listed by Christ in today’s Gospel- unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed,
malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance and folly. A deeply religious person, Saint James,
affirms also in the 2nd reading, is the one that transcends hypocrisy, but cares for
orphans and widows in their afflictions!
In sum, the Bible
readings of today, among other things, challenge us to reevaluate how we love,
care for our neighbors, support victims of katrina, bokoharam, terrorisms and
wars, from the bottom of our hearts. Our physical distance might be far from
them. Our traditions, customs, values and culture, different, but we can still
accompany them, those victims of social injustice, bad leadership and governanance all over the world, the poor,
the needy, the orphans, the neglected, the voiceless, the sexually and racially
abused, in our prayers and through acts of charity. As a friend of mine once
puts it, “Washing the fruit we buy should not be more important than feeding the